Tenancy Terminations (SB 567) and Tenant Protection Ordinance Update Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.
Lead by Molly Kirkland, Dir. of Public Affairs, this IROC meeting will cover the key components of SB 567 and the new requirements when terminating a tenancy for owner/family-member move-in and substantial remodel, as well as the necessary notices and time frames that housing providers must follow. Additionally, we will discuss how SB 567 integrates with the local Tenant Protection Ordinances (TPOs) in San Diego and Chula Vista. Participants will learn how both state law and local ordinances affect their business, and help owners understand their responsibilities, obligations, and rights.
The Independent Rental Owner Council (IROC) Meeting offers you the opportunity to share your experience, knowledge, and best practices with colleagues in the rental housing industry through educational sessions, round-table discussions, and operational advice from SoCalRHA's Operational Advice Counselor.
SCRHA wants to help our IROC members be successful. This is a great opportunity to hear new ideas and share yours. We hope that you’ll take the time to join us.
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