Level I Laundry Appliance Repair
Phoenix Staffing Office
8880 Rio San Diego Drive Suite 350- third floor San Diego, CA 92108 United States
This class will provide an overview of the maintenance and repair of typical residential-grade laundry appliances, including washing machines and gas and electric dryers.
The course is designed to identify the major serviceable components and maintenance procedures used to install, operate, troubleshoot, repair, and clean typical residential-grade laundry room equipment.
This class will help you read wiring diagrams and use the multimeter to test parts and troubleshoot faulty components.
Hands-on training will be provided.
Instructor: Peter Cline, The Phoenix Staffing
Pricing: $75 SCRHA Members | $150 Non-Members
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For More Information:
San Diego, California 92123
United States 858.278.8070