Anti-Price Gouging Rules in Effect after Tropical Storm Hilary
Over the weekend, Governor Newsom declared a State of Emergency in response to what was Hurricane Hilary at the time. Some local jurisdictions in the storm’s path also declared emergencies. The proclamations are designed to aid recovery efforts by making resources and assistance more readily available.
When the emergencies are in place, rent increases are limited to no more than 10% (including for AB 1482 exempt properties). There are also limits on the advertised price for rentals during the emergency. Emergencies are typically in place for 30 days, however, they can be extended based on circumstances. Additionally, certain parts of the Penal Code may be extended while other parts expire.
Click here to review the counties with anti-price gouging rules in place. Additionally, a description of the applicable Penal Code sections can be found by clicking on the ? next to “What are the Price Gouging Protections Under California Law?” Subsections e & f are specific to rental housing.
Members are encouraged to learn more from the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.