SCRHA Legislative Update - September 30
Governor Signs and Vetoes Housing Bills
Today is the last day for Governor Newsom to sign or veto legislation. Recently, he signed SB 1190 into law, a bill that SCRHA opposed. While not opposed to rights for victims of crime, SCRHA was concerned about the ability of tenants to terminate tenancy with 14-days notice when a family member who does not reside in the rental unit is a victim of a crime. The new law requires an additional written statement from the tenant, which SCRHA hopes will help curtail any abuse of this provision in the law. SCRHA supported and the Governor signed AB 2345 into law, a bill from San Diego Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, that will assist in the construction of new housing units by increasing the density bonus and incentives available for a qualifying housing project. Join us for the SCRHA Annual Meeting and Legislative Update on October 14 to learn about the bills we lobbied for and against this session.
Hear from San Diego Mayoral Candidates this Friday
If you haven’t registered for this Friday’s Mayoral Forum, SCRHA encourages you to do so. This is a great opportunity to hear from the candidates directly about their plans for the future of the city and their views on rental housing. Join us this Friday for this FREE Mayoral Forum.
Tell Congress to Act Now on Rental Assistance
Congressional leaders are preparing another COVID-19 relief bill that could be voted on soon. Additionally, several Hill offices have indicated to our industry partner, the National Apartment Association (NAA) that they are hearing loud and clear from housing providers about the onerous CDC eviction moratorium and the need for rental assistance. The message of the rental housing industry is getting through, but we need to keep it up. Please contact your members of Congress TODAY!
Election Day Just Around the Corner
Don’t forget to check the SCRHA website for a Voter Guide and information on Proposition 21, the ballot measure that will give rent control a stronger foothold in California. Make sure you are registered to vote and make your voice heard in this important election.
SCRHA has a limited quantity of NoOn21 yard signs available! Email to arrange pickup. Our office is closed, so you must have a confirmed pickup time in advance.
Topics: legislative update, advocacy 2020 election