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Sponsorship Package Bronze Level

Bronze Sponsorship Includes:

Choose One (1) Event

  • EXPO
    • Basic Booth
  • Golf Classic
    • Regular Teebox or Foursome Option
  • Apartment Perspective
    • Open Seating
    • Two (2) Tickets
  • Bronze Sponsor Advertising Package - $400 Total Value
    • Package 2 in Business Directory - $200 Value
      • Extra Large & Bold Listing in Optimized PDF
      • Company Logo in Optimized PDF
      • Service Areas included at no additional cost!
    • Featured Listing Upgrade - $200 Value

*Printed items to be provided by sponsor in counts required for event participants.

Sponsorship Cancellation Policy: Cancellations are accepted within three calendar days of submitting association (name of sponsorship type, i.e. Platinum, bronze, gold, silver, etc.) sponsorship. There is a $400 cancellation charge for any sponsorship cancellations received within three days of sponsorship agreement.  No Cancellations are allowed after the three calendar days.  

Sponsorship Fees and Payment Terms: The Sponsor agrees to pay the Sponsorship Fees in accordance with the amounts and payment terms set out in the Sponsorship Agreement. Sponsorships at the Copper Level are to be paid in full upon sign up. 

For Bronze and Silver Sponsorship levels, payments may be made in two installments. First installment will be 60% of sponsorship upon sign up and the remaining 40% of the sponsorship fee is due within 2 months prior to the first event attending.  On receipt of the signed sponsorship agreement or authorization email from sponsor company to invoice, Association staff will invoice.  Credit card information will be required to hold sponsorship and will be charged if sponsor fails to make payments in accordance with this fee schedule.  If sponsorship agreements at the bronze level  is contracted within 2 months of the event then payment must be paid 100% in advance.  

Platinum and Gold sponsorship levels, payments may be made in four (4) installments.  Final sponsorship payment must be made within 60 days of last event. First installment of 30% is due upon signup the remaining 70% is due in four (4) equal installments or 25% of the sponsorship fee per month thereafter. 

Failure by an association sponsor to meet any payment obligations, whether to the amount or date of payment, the SCRHA shall be entitled at its sole discretion to consider that the sponsor has cancelled the sponsorship and retain 100% of the sponsorship fee paid to date, without providing any of the sponsorship benefits after sponsor has failed to make a sponsorship payment or paid according to the agreement. 

Other Association Events and Sponsorships: Events not mentioned in this sponsorship, sponsor receives recognition as a sponsor, but must purchase tickets at regular event pricing at the time of purchase to attend the event or to receive additional benefits not included with the sponsorship. For a la carte sponsorships, unless otherwise agreed by the parties and stated in the sponsorship agreement, all sponsorship fees shall be paid in full 30 days prior to the event.  If sponsor has not paid in full, sponsors will be denied access to the Event and is fully responsible for sponsorship payment.    

Force Majeure and other important sponsorship information: For any Event, the SCRHA does not make any claims or guarantees on attendee numbers, and type of attendees.  Sponsor understands and agrees by sponsoring, the sponsor is supporting the local rental housing industry and its endeavors.   

For events, the SCRHA retains the right to change, the date, time, venue and type of event included in a sponsorship.  The SCRHA shall be relieved of its obligations under the sponsorship agreement of holding the event and any of its material obligations under the sponsorship agreement if holding the event is impossible, illegal or substantially or materially interfered with any due cause beyond the reasonable control of the SCRHA and or the venue including without limitation any of the following: Act of God, Governmental Act, War, Fire, Strike, Flood, Civil Commotion, Armed hostilities, Act of Terrorism, blockade, accidents, supply breakdown, regulatory intervention, general advice or recommendations from a government agency or dependency or department, or the venue becomes unavailable or unfit for occupancy and or use. The SCHRA shall be under no obligation to refund all or part of the sponsorship fees paid by the Sponsor in respect of his participation in the Event. The Event Organizer shall be under no liability to the Sponsor or any other person in respect of any actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses (including consequential losses), costs or expenses whatsoever which may be brought against or suffered or incurred by the Sponsor as the result thereof. 

Member Price: $5,500