Chula Vista City Council Passes Residential Tenant Protection Ordinance
On October 25, the Chula Vista City Council passed the Residential Tenant Protection Ordinance despite stakeholder input and strong opposition from SCRHA members and community partners. The vote was 3 to 1, with Councilmember Jill Galvez opposed. Councilmember John McCann was required to recuse himself from the discussion and vote. The ordinance still has to come back for a second reading, but it is set to go into effect in March 2023.
Southern California Rental Housing Association is analyzing possible next steps as we remain concerned about the unintended consequences of the ordinance.
Minor amendments were taken at the meeting. One will allow the First Right of Return notice to be emailed in addition to traditional mail. The other clarifies the definition of a sale of a property when a unit returns to the market within a 2-year period after having terminated tenancy to remove the unit from the rental market. Click here for a summary of the ordinance and a link to the full ordinance.
We want to thank all members who took the time to register their opposition through email, eComment, and in-person comments. You will recall that SCRHA was able to delay the ordinance when it was first heard in May. Please make sure that you are receiving our emails to stay up to date with future actions on this ordinance.