Chula Vista Tenant Protection Hearing Today!

Legislative Updates,

Make Your Voice Heard!

The Residential Landlord & Tenant Ordinance is being voted on by the Chula Vista City Council this evening, Tuesday, October 25 at 5 p.m. SCRHA remains opposed to the ordinance and is concerned with the many unintended consequences. This broad-brush approach to addressing a few bad actors will harm all rental housing providers and the very renters the City wants to protect.

We need you to make your voice heard. Attend the hearing and ask the council to reject the ordinance or send it back to the drawing table. The ordinance proposes to provide Just Cause protections effective at day one of tenancy and will make no-fault termination of tenancy more complicated and costly for housing providers. It will also add to the list of items considered tenant harassment and add potential criminal penalties for violations of the ordinance.


In-Person: Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue. Your presence and comments are important. Click here to see the agenda and learn more about speaking at the meeting. The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS is hosting an information session prior to the hearing at their Chula Vista office from 1 - 3 p.m. for those who wish to learn more and/or speak at the hearing. SCRHA staff will be in attendance as well to answer questions. Register here.

Submit an eComment: Click here, scroll to Item 6.2 and click on the title, then click on "Leave Comment."

Email comments: Click on "Take Action" below to send an email to the Mayor and Councilmembers. The pre-drafted letter can be customized. We encourage you to share how this will impact your livelihood and ability to continue to provide rental housing in Chula Vista. More information is below.

Summary of Ordinance

Just Cause protections will be effective at day one of tenancy!

No-Fault Just Cause Termination of Tenancy (Substantial Remodel/Withdrawal from Market/Total Demolition)

  • Increased relocation assistance equivalent to 2-3 months of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Small Area Fair Market Rent for the zip code of the unit.
  • Expanded definition of Substantial Remodel, including the requirement that improvements total at least $40 per square foot and the unit needs to be vacant for 60 days.
  • First right of refusal for the previous tenant once rehab is complete or unit returns to market.
  • Additional disclosures and noticing requirements.


  • Refines harassment and retaliation behaviors and the term “quiet use and enjoyment”
  • Remedies and City Enforcement
  • Provides that the City may take enforcement action, including pursuing administrative action, civil action, and criminal prosecution.

These are just the highlights. Click here to read the entire ordinance!