Legislative Update - October 28, 2021
Rent Increases Limited to 10% by Governor’s Latest Emergency Declaration
Southern California Counties, and much of the State, are again subject to price gouging rules as a result of Governor Newsom’s latest Emergency Declaration for drought conditions. The price gouging rules (Penal Code 396) triggered by the latest declarations limit rent increases to no more than 10%, even for properties exempt from state rent caps. Additionally, properties that become vacant during the emergency and offered for rent are also limited to no more than 10% over the last rental amount charged. The declarations impacting Imperial, Riverside, and San Diego counties are set to expire on November 18, 2021. However, these declarations are frequently extended by the Governor. Click here to see a full list of Emergency Declarations and counties impacted.
Rental housing providers continue to be adversely impacted by the myriad of declarations that have been enacted over the last several years, including prior to the pandemic. The numerous declarations, the constant extension of declarations, and the poor process for notifying the public and stakeholders has highlighted the need for reform of Emergency Declarations. SCRHA will be monitoring efforts in Sacramento to alter the declaration rules, especially as it relates to the rental price provisions. Read More >
Reminder: Units Needed for Emergency Housing Vouchers
The San Diego region recently received 819 Emergency Housing Vouchers through the American Rescue Plan Act. There may be incentives for participating housing providers, including a leasing bonus, up to two-months’ rent in security deposit, a contingency fund to assist with repairs that exceed the security deposit, and a dedicated Landlord Liaison. Read More >