SCRHA has received word that the San Diego City Attorney’s Office has now opined that the copy of the Tenant Protection Guide that must accompany the mandatory notification required by the Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO), must be provided to tenants as a hard copy. Continue Reading
Southern California Rental Housing Association is the trusted source for news and information that impacts the rental housing industry. Please note, some articles and posts are for SCRHA members and will require a valid login to access.
City of San Diego TPO Forms Now Available! Continue Reading
City of San Diego Tenant Protection Forms Delayed: Confusion Looms Without Creation of Required Guide Continue Reading
Rent Control is Back on the Ballot in 2024 – Learn What You Must Do to Defeat It! Continue Reading
Don't miss out on important news that affects your business with the SCRHA Legislative Update. Continue Reading
Property insurance rate increases and policy cancellations are top concerns for SCRHA and CalRHA. Continue Reading
We are now halfway through the legislative process for this year, as the deadline to pass out of their house of origin was June 2nd. CalRHA had several wins with bills held in the Appropriations Committees, as well as on the Senate Floor. Fortunately, SB 395 (Wahab, D-Fremont) - Statewide eviction... Continue Reading
Update on State Legislation Continue Reading
Thanks to your response to SCRHA's Action Alerts, we were able to stop SB 466 (Wahab) on the Senate Floor. Continue Reading
Property Managers Forum Recap On May 18, we held our first Property Manager (PM) Forum exclusively for our PM members. It was an opportunity to hear, discuss, and reflect on industry trends in a safe environment. The event’s first topic focused on evictions, including its challenges and the... Continue Reading
On May 25, Mayor Todd Gloria signed the Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) into law. The ordinance goes into effect 30 days after signing. Continue Reading