Purchasing property is a huge investment that may allow you to gain a fantastic return for how much you're putting into it. Unfortunately, many don't look for all of the needed details when they're purchasing a property and may find themselves buying something they shouldn't. Continue Reading
Southern California Rental Housing Association is the trusted source for news and information that impacts the rental housing industry. Please note, some articles and posts are for SCRHA members and will require a valid login to access.
SCRHA is excited to report that all the candidates endorsed thus far are moving forward to the general election. In the race for the 80th District Assembly seat, SCRHA endorsed David Alvarez to fill the seat vacated by Lorena Gonzalez. Continue Reading
Meet Lindsey Boothby, CALP, Wintercrest Village, who recently earned her desgination as a Certified Apartment Leasing Professional at Southern California Rental Housing Association. Congratulations to Lindsey on this accomplish Continue Reading
Use the 2022 Voter Guide created by Southern California Rental Housing Association to vote for candidates who support the rental housing industry. Continue Reading
Joel Martinez, Maintenance Supervisor III at The Village of Serra Mesa, won first place in six categories at the Region 10, Southern California Rental Housing Association’s Maintenance Mania® Competition on April 12, 2022. Continue Reading
Dozens of SCRHA members and local property owners attended meeting to protest proposal as overreaching and extreme ordinance would apply to homeowners by default. Continue Reading
The Chula Vista City Council will be voting on the "Landlord and Tenant Ordinance" this evening on Tuesday, May 17 at 5:00 p.m. Continue Reading
Although there are countless reasons to remodel a property, those using it as a source of rental income should appeal to residents at the forefront of their efforts. While anything “new and improved” will likely stand out to people in the market for a new residence, the best remodeling ideas in 2022 Continue Reading
The Chula Vista City Council will be voting on the proposed “Landlord and Tenant" Ordinance this coming Tuesday, May 17. The council will be considering an extreme proposal to increase the notice period and the required relocation payment for a “no-fault termination of tenancy.”... Continue Reading
City of San Diego No-Fault Termination of Tenancy Moratorium Takes Effect May 22, 2022 Continue Reading
Chula Vista City Council Expected to Vote on Overreaching Ordinance on Tuesday, May 17 Continue Reading