SCRHA received confirmation earlier today that the Chula Vista City Council will not vote on the so-called “Landlord and Tenant Ordinance” on May 3 as planned. The hearing is now anticipated to occur on May 17. Continue Reading
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The Mayor of Chula Vista and City Councilmembers continue to push forward with an ordinance that will subject rental properties to unnecessary and overreaching rules. And unlike the City of San Diego's recent action, the proposed regulations in Chula Vista would be PERMANENT. Continue Reading
As SCRHA reported last week, the Chula Vista City Council reversed course on the Tenant Protection Ordinance and has asked staff to bring the ordinance back for a vote. The Housing Advisory Commission heard the item on Tuesday and voted to send it on to the council. Continue Reading
On Tuesday, April 19, 2022, the San Diego City Council gave final passage to the Residential No-Fault Termination Moratorium. Today's hearing was mostly a formality. Continue Reading
This coming Tuesday, April 19, at 6:00 p.m. the ordinance is being heard by the Housing Advisory Commission, who is being asked to provide an advisory recommendation to City Council on approving a Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance. Continue Reading
This past Tuesday evening, the Chula Vista City Council considered a proposal to expand the contract of the city’s fair housing partner to include more data collection. While the council approved the proposal, they also asked city staff to bring back the Tenant Protection Ordinance for a vote. Continue Reading
This coming Tuesday, April 19, the San Diego City Council is slated to give the “No-Fault Eviction Moratorium” ordinance its final approval. Continue Reading
City of San Diego No-Fault Termination Ordinance Pending Second Reading Continue Reading
Keep reading to learn about the CalRHA April 2022 Policy Update... Continue Reading
San Diego Council Passes No Fault Termination Moratorium; Adds End Date Continue Reading
Ask San Diego City Council to Reject Strict Limitations on No Fault Termination Continue Reading