Legislative Update - August 1, 2024

Legislative Updates,

Carlsbad Approves Multi-Unit Non-Smoking Ordinance
This past Tuesday, the Carlsbad City Council voted to move forward with an ordinance to prevent smoking in multiunit housing. It passed 4 to1, with Councilmember Melanie Burkholder the lone “no” vote. SCRHA opposed the ordinance as it has a standing policy against such policies that essentially turn owners and managers into the smoking police. However, city staff did significant outreach to stakeholders prior to the hearing and many suggested changes were incorporated into the draft ordinance. SCRHA was able to improve definitions, add smoking as just cause for termination of tenancy, and also have language added that helps ensure that third-party beneficiary status “does not create a private right of action for a tenant or occupant against the landlord for any damages the tenant or occupant may suffer due to another tenant’s breach of any smoking provision.” SCRHA will continue to work with the city as it develops resources prior to the January 1, 2025, effective date. Read more.