Legislative Update - May 24

Industry, Legislative Updates,

As SCRHA reported yesterday, AB 2216 (Haney), the bill to mandate the acceptance of pets at rental properties, passed out of the Assembly with amendments and the promise of more amendments to be taken in the Senate. Here are the amendments that have been confirmed:   

  • Exclude buildings with 15 or fewer units.
  • Allow landlords to charge $50 per pet for pet rent for pets beyond the first pet. No pet rent for the first pet. 
  • Allow landlords to collect a pet deposit that is 50% of one month’s rent capped at $1,000. 
  • Allow landlords to use pet deposits for professional carpet cleaning.  
  • Tenants cannot have any restricted species.
  • Allow landlords to require proof of liability insurance before moving the pet into the unit and the landlord can require they be added as an additional insured.
  • Limits mandatory access to one pet only. Meaning landlords can limit the number of pets to one pet.
  • Clarifying that this bill doesn’t impact already existing leases or the renewal of leases.
  • Delayed implementation to April 1, 2025.

SCRHA, its lobbyist, and over 600 members put significant pressure on members of the Assembly to vote against the bill. It was struggling to get the needed votes until the promise of amendments from the author. SCRHA will continue to work on the bill in the Senate. SCRHA is still opposed to the bill and will be closely monitoring amendments and remaining unintended consequences.

Make sure you are signed for SCRHA Action Alerts, so you don’t miss opportunities to let your elected officials know how you feel about bills impacting your property and livelihood! 

Now that this initial legislative deadline has passed, we hope you have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.